Friday, August 26, 2011

Citizen Band (CB) in Malaysia

Do you have Mike Bravo callsign for CB?
Mike Bravo = Malaysia Boleh
Malaysia CB land is 113, so your callsign would be 113MBxxx
the xxx is 3 digit number.. and my call is 113MB352

How to get this callsign? Go to
Just do this steps..

To joined just e-mail or sms your Name and mailing address.
SMS : +60196588927

Monitoring Channel : 30
Frequency : 27.305 MHz
Mode : USB

Who can get & used this callsign?
Please refer the attach document.. Nice to read..

if you want to register your callsign worldwide, go to

Here is the 11 Meter Band Land picture map.. click to make it bigger..

Below is the Malaysian ACT for CB Radio Usage.. Please read.. too many to be told.. :D

Akta Komunikasi & Multimedia

Citizen Band Malaysia

CB 11 Meter Division

Communication ACT 1998

Thursday, August 25, 2011

My XYL Callsign - 9W2CEK


My XYL pass the 2011-1 RAE at 15/06/2011
now she's one of the Malaysian Amateur Radio Stations
Her callsign is 9W2CEK and my callsign is 9W2CEH..
he he he.. congratulation for her effort to take & passed the RAE exam.. 73