Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Frequency Chart

Frequency Chart of most used Modes
These are the suggested starting frequencies for initiating QSOs.

As good operators you should be ever mindful of proper operating practice. No one owns a frequency, be courteous. If the frequency is busy slide up or down. This plan conforms to the newly released Considerate Operator’s Guide, published in the March 2007 issue of QST.

The following frequency are for region 2 and some maybe applicable to us in Region 3. To Harmonise the HF spectrum band plan for region 1, 2 & 3 we have to consider the following guidelines...



1.830-1.840 CW, RTTY and other narrowband modes, intercontinental QSOs only

1.825 - 1.826 DXpeditions often call her and listen 1.830 to 1.8350

1.838 MFSK

1838.150 PSK31 Calling Frequency

1.840-1.850 CW, SSB, SSTV and other wideband modes, intercontinental QSOs only

1828.5 DXpeditions CW Operations are frequently here

1.916 SSTV

80/75 METERS

3.500-3.525 CW DX & DXpedition Window

3.505 DXpeditions CW are frequently here

3.580 MFSK

3580.15 PSK-31 (offset -115 for USB)

3.590 RTTY DX

3.640-3.650 SSB (some Europeans will transmit here and listen above 3800kHz)

3.690-3.700 SSB (some Europeans will transmit here and listen above 3.800)

3.71 QRP Novice/Tech CW Calling Freq

3.790-3.800 SSB DX & DXpedition Window 3.799 DXpeditions SSB are frequently

here DX may transmit below 3750 KHz and listen above 3800 KHz.

3.730~3.740 SSTV Operating Frequency -- IARU Region 1

3.845 & 3.857 SSTV Operating Frequency USA/Canada

3.885 AM Calling Frequency

3.575 HELL, Region #1

3.559 HELL, Region #2

60 METERS Max ERP is 50 watts. (Experimental Not Applicable to Malaysia)

5330.5 kHz USB

5346.5 kHz USB

5366.5 kHz USB

5371.5 kHz USB

5403.5 kHz USB


7.000 - 7.010 CW DX & DXpedition Window

7.005 DXpeditions CW are frequently here

7.035~7.045 SSTV Operating Frequency -- IARU Region 1

7.035.15 PSK-31 (offset -115 for USB)FOR Region 1 and 7080.15 for region 2

7.037 MFSK

7.040 RTTY DX

7.040 to 7.099 SSB DX & DXpedition Transmit -- Listening above 7.150

7.050 XTAL Controlled Rigs

7.065 DXpedition SSB USA split to 7.150 and above

7.072.50 Most PSK31 has moved to this freq. LSB

7.171 & 7.172 SSTV Operating Frequency USA/Canada

7.228 * Digital SSTV, *Or after Analog Portion Of The NET ends (Not Applicable

7.245 FAX Operating Frequency ( Not Applicable to Malaysia)

7.290 AM Calling Frequency (Not Applicable to Malaysia)

7.030-7.040 HELL


10.110 DXpeditions CW are frequently here

10140.150 PSK31

10.135-10.145 HELL

10.147 MFSK


14.025 DXpeditions are frequently here CW Freq -- Usually Split

14070.15 PSK-31 (14069.00 USB)

14.072-14.079 MFSK16

14.080 RTTY Freq & MFSK

14.100 NCDXF Beacons

14.195 Rare DX & DXpeditions Frequently Operate SSB Here --

Generally Listening Up (Split Operation)

14.225~14.235 SSTV Operating Frequency -- IARU Region 1

14.230 SSTV Operation USA/Canada

14.233 SSTV Operation USA

14.236 SSTV Operation USA

14.245 FAX Operating Frequency

14.286 AM Calling Frequency

14.063-14.070 HELL


18.145 DXpeditions SSB are frequently here -- Usually Split

18100.150 PSK31

18.075 DXpeditions CW are frequently here -- Usually Split

18.101-18.107 HELL

18.105 MFSK

18.1625 Digital SSTV


21.025 Rare DX & DXpeditions Frequently Operate CW Here --

Generally Listening Up (Split Operation)

21.070 PSK-31 (offset -115 for USB)

21.080 RTTY & MFSK

21.295 Rare DX & DXpeditions Frequently Operate SSB Here --

Generally Listening Up (Split Operation)

21.335~21.345 SSTV Operating Frequency -- IARU Region 1

21.340 SSTV Operating Frequency USA/Canada or Digital SSTV

21.345 FAX Operating Frequency

21.063-21.070 HELL


24.945 Rare DX & DXpeditions Frequently Operate SSB Here --

Generally Listening Up (Split Operation)

24920.150 PSK31

24.929 MFSK

24.895 Rare DX & DXpeditions Frequently Operate CW Here --

Generally Listening Up (Split Operation)


28.025 CW Rare DX & DXpeditions Frequently Operate Here --


28.063-28.070 HELL

28070.15 PSK-31 (offset -115 for USB)

28.080 RTTY & MFSK

28.1010 10/10 Intl CW Calling Frequency

28120.150 PSK31

28.120-28.300 Beacons

28.340 Hoodlums Net, every Saturday 10 PM EST, Rock Hill, SC

28.380 10/10 SSB Intl Calling Frequency

28.425 10/10 SSB Intl Calling Frequency

28.495 SSB Rare DX & DXpeditions Frequently Operate Here --


28.600 Old General Callin Frequency - Still used by Old Timers

28.610 Local RagChew Freq. for Gastonia, NC

28.660~28.700 SSTV Operating Frequencys

28.680 SSTV Operations USA/Canada

28.690 SSTV Repeaters (K3ASI)

28.700 SSTV Repeaters

28.800 10-10 Net

28.825 10-10 Backskatter Net - Paper Chasers Net

28.885 6M DX Liaison Frequency -- Listen here for 6 Meter DX opening announcements and discussions.

28.945 FAX Operating Frequency

29.000-29.200 AM Operations

29.300-29.510 Satellite Downlinks

29.550 FM, Digital SSTV

29.520-29.580 Repeater Inputs

29.600 FM Simplex - Calling Frequency

29.620-29.680 Repeater Outputs


50.680 SSTV

50.0 - 50.1 CW


50.100 - 50.124 SSB DX


50.200 ARRL New Calling Freq.

50.125 - 50.200 SSB

50.200 - 52.00 Only during hot F2 openings do you find SSB much above 50.200.


________________________________________50.260 AM

________________________________________WSJT (high speed meteorite scatter)

51.120 FM PSK31

50.290 SSB PSK31

52.00 - 54.00 FM Repeaters

52.525 FM Simplex


144.200 SSB

145.500 FM SSTV

145.550 FM PSK31

144.144 SSB PSK31

144.390 APRS

144.140 FSK441 Meteor Scatter

144.40 - 144.44 Experimental

144.45 - 144.49 Satellite (SAREX and ARISS voice up-links)

145.00-145.09 PACKET

144.510 - 144.890 FM Repeater Inputs (Not Applicable to Malaysia)

145.110 - 145.490 FM Repeater Outputs (Not Aplicable to Malaysia)

145.710 PACKET

146.010 - 146.505 FM Repeater Inputs (Secondary)

146.400 - 146.585 FM Voice Simplex and Alternate Repeater Inputs (Not Applicable)

146.610 - 147.390 FM Repeater

147.600 - 147.990 FM Repeater

146.520 - Secondary

430-440 MHz

430.0000 - 432.0000 ATV Simplex 427.250 Video - 431.750 Audio

432.0000 - 433.0000 SSB & Weak Signal 432.100 National SSB Calling Frequency

433.0125 - 433.2000 Repeater Links

433.0000 - 439.0000 ATV Simplex Only 434.000 Video - 438.500 Audio

438.7750 - 439.5875 Repeater Links

439.6000 - 440.0000 FM Digital/Packet Operation

taken from -> 9M2AU Blog